The bad guys do the same thing with their “black” magic to reanimate their dead soldiers and curse the good guys. The “good” guys (Humans, Elves, and Dwarves) use “white” magic to heal their armies and cast spells on the “bad” guys. Many of the buildings of the “evil horde” prominently display occult symbols, such as pentagrams. In this virtual world it seems that the ends justify the means. When attacking the other side, it is a common strategy to slaughter defenseless peasants in order to cut off the labor force of the enemy, to keep them from producing more resources.

Whether you are a good guy or a bad guy you must totally annihilate every living soul on the other side in order to win. The dead bodies slowly dissolve into skeletons and then fade altogether away to simulate decomposing.

They proceed to stab and slash each other until they reduce their opposition to bloody pulps. Units consist of dozens of fighters who clash in one-on-one combat. This RTS (Real Time Strategy) game puts you in the “virtual god” seat of looking down on the battle as you equip your military units of soldiers, sorcerer priests with swords, axes, and magic spells to attack the armies and towns of the enemy. This Orc is part of the “evil horde” that threatens the human alliance. Each side trains soldiers and creates new weapons to annihilate the other side until everyone in one army or the other is dead. The “bad guys” are an evil horde of Orcs, Trolls, and Goblins who want to take over the world. The “good guys” come in the form of Humans, Elves, and Dwarves, who are simply trying to survive. Players can choose to control either a “good” army or an “evil” army. In a medieval, "Lord of the Rings"-type setting, the player must strategically move his army across/around the map to be victorious over the enemy army. System Requirements: Win 95/98/NT, P-60+, 16MB RAM, 80 MB HDrive Space avail, 2X CD-ROM, Local Bus SVGA Video Card (Direct X Compatible), Microsoft Compatible Mouse, DirectX-Compatible Sound Card